Saturday, April 21, 2012

SlimKicker recap

If you read my previous post, you know that I was sick (and out of commission in terms of running) for 13 days. During this time, I was VERY concerned about gaining weight as I NEVER take time off of working out.

While I was lucky that I was able to write everything down, I know that many people WISH there was a way to track calories on their phone. I also know many people who would LOVE to have some sort of motivation to eat right...not necessarily lose weight (an added bonus for me:)), but just eat GOOD food so they don't feel sluggish come 3pm.

WELL. Good news! Someone who I had been contacted by probably a year ago now had asked me if the above comments were something I'd be interested...basically an "app" or website that could help a person not only track calories, but also stay motivated. The app/website is here!

Try it... honestly, I had NO IDEA that I was eating the amount of sugar that I am. No wonder I'm feeling fatigued around the 3pm timeframe. I am now starting to watch how much sugar I eat, in addition to carbs/fats/proteins and calories. This website/app makes it super easy.

Try it, you'll like it:)

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